Ben Luxton - Ofertas de patrocinio | Sponsoo

Ben Luxton

 UK Deportes de motor, Motociclismo
  • We will attend your live event, for example your trade fair booth, or your corporate event. The price includes one day attendance, plus travel. Travel costs are not included in the price and are to be covered by the sponsor. If I need to stay overnight, the breakfast is to be included into the travel costs. Other meals are covered by ourselves. Dates are to be discussed and need to fit into our training and competition schedule.

    precio desglosado

    • Una vez pago de 30.000GBP 0

    Duración del contrato
    Fecha de inicio del contrato
    Desde firma del contrato
    Fecha de termino del contrato
    Después de cumplir todos obligaciones del contrato (one-off campaign)



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