Co-sponsorship (non-exclusive) of all Judge sports teams. Branding on 150 jerseys to be worn throughout the sporting calendar at events in both the UK and France. Recognition of sponsorship through Cambridge's official marketing channels. Contributions are used to offset the cost of sports equipment and travel to events.
precio desglosado
Una vez
pago de
Duración del contrato
Fecha de inicio del contrato
Desde firma del contrato
Fecha de termino del contrato
Después de cumplir todos obligaciones del contrato (one-off campaign)
Exclusive sponsorship of all Judge sports teams. Branding on 150 jerseys to be worn throughout the sporting calendar at events in both the UK and France. Recognition of sponsorship through Cambridge's official marketing channels. Contributions are used to offset the cost of sports equipment and travel to events.
precio desglosado
Una vez
pago de
Duración del contrato
Fecha de inicio del contrato
Desde firma del contrato
Fecha de termino del contrato
Después de cumplir todos obligaciones del contrato (one-off campaign)
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