El mercado no #1 para patrocinio deportivo. | Sponsoo

HEC Paris MBA Tournament

 Jouy-en-Josas Bádminton, Baloncesto, Voleibol de playa ...


This year HEC Paris will be celebrating the 25th anniversary of the HEC MBA Tournament, a 3-day sporting event where 1500 international MBA students come to our campus for over 20 sports, salsa competitions, battle of the bands, poker, networking and cultural exchange. Plenty more info can be found at www.mbat.org.


I look forward to discussing possible collaborations and note that we are currently sponsored by France Cricket.

Nuestro Patrocinador preferido

The ideal sponsor is a highly visible company that would benefit from the exposure and access to 1500 interntional MBA students from over 70 countries, and all the press coverage and social media attention the 25th anniversary HEC MBA Tournament generates. 

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