En Breve
I am a unique and creative person and would incorporate that into not only social media posts but also through other ways of advertisement and even simply word of mouth. Through social media, while I currently am not incredibly active, I would put in hard work and go above and beyond to integrate your values and products/brand into everyday life as seen on social media while also creating a good image for you and being myself. I can also showcase your products/brand in the real world, bringing it to life and creating a good representation that encourages people to dig deeper and leads them to you. It would be, as it is supposed to, mutually beneficial, I am able to gain support and help to continue advancing my skills and doing what I love while also providing you with further outreach and unique/exciting representation that creates interest around you, the sponsor.
Alcance / Enlaces
Datos principales para patrocinadores
- Combined following of about 600 across social media (can be increased and worked on if desired)
- The stables I compete with alone has at least 100 clientele
- Ages of those who are at events and the stable I ride at range from 7 - 60
- Roughly 200 competitors at each event, not including the hundreds of spectators and supporters
- Article written about me in CDS magazine after I won championship
- Large diverse audience of equestrians and animals lovers to little kids, hard working parents, supportive family and relatives, and also wealthy competitors