Elisei benjamin sandu - Profilo di sponsorizzazione | Sponsoo

Elisei benjamin sandu

 Figline Valdarno Parkour
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Movie like Stuntman - Parkour and free running athlete specialization


I am a professional athlete, i have the experience in the field.

 I always strive to succeed everything at its best 'Cause obviously it’s a passion, I’ve already worked in front of the cameras and this make me Crazy with satisfaction, had a chance to learn to act, to work with different equipment and to work with different people bringing home always great results, but I’m still young and I have a long way to go, 

Sponsor desiderato

Outfit gudget 

Clothes and Shoes 

Gudget and attrezzature for training 

And publicity of different types on request 




Dati fondamentali per gli sponsor

Instagram: 110_14.stunt


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