Ava Knap - Profiili | Sponsoo

Ava Knap

 Saint Joseph Kestävyysjuoksu, Kestävyysjuoksu, Yleisurheilu


Incoming freshman at Gonzaga University for both the women’s Cross Country and Track and Field teams.


I am a passionate athlete who enjoys using my social media platform to talk about running and athletics. I have a following on both my personal and atheltic account that wants to follow my progress and fitness journey. A sponsorship would certainly attract attention on my social media accounts.  In addition, I am very involved in the running community and have many connections with professional athletes, nutritionists, and advocates for women’s health. 

Avainluvut sponsoreille

  • My personal social media account has 754 followers
  • My personal account reaches on average between 1,000 and 2,000 people 
  • My atheltic account has another 236 followers
  • My athletic account reaches on average between 500 and 2,500 people  
  • I work closely with Wildwood running and have been on Runnerspace, Women’s Running Magazine, and Articles from Elizabeth Carey
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