Professional football freestyler from Spain. Ranked Top 10 of the World and 4th place in RedbullSS. Wide experience in publicity and events.
Summer is approaching, with many competitions and events! If you want to be a part of my freestyle journey and sponsor some of my endeavors, let me know and we can make it happen;)
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Greatest successes
Top 4 in RedBull Street Style Champiosnhip, and Top 10 in Superball Open World Cup
Key figures for sponsors
- Over 1.35K subscribers in YouTube, from Spain, LatinAmerica and Europe.
- +3600 followers in TikTok, and almost 2000 in Instagram
- Average of 4 participations in competitions per year, typically achieving high results (good chance for sponsoring).
- The average age of the audience is 14 - 35 years.
- Average 150 views per day in YouTube videos.
- Typically reach +500 accounts with Instagram stories, and 10K - 100K views per TikTok video.
- Frequent shows of freestyle football in cities such as Pamplona, Madrid, San Sebastián, Copenhagen, Krakow…