Dorian Racolta - Profilo di sponsorizzazione | Sponsoo

Dorian Racolta

 Travagliato Motorsport, Automobilismo


Mi chiamo Racolta Dorian e ho 17 anni. Il mio obiettivo è diventare pilota professionista nel motorsport.


Dorian Racolta ha condiviso un post su Instagram
27.06.2024 17:36 ·
27.06.2024 17:36 ·

Four weeks to the second race of the 2024 Mitjet Italia Club!

In the first one I had good results, although having bad luck with a broken clutch in the second qualifying session.

Have a look at my race report on my Instagram page: 

I cannot wait to get on track again!

Now, head to Magione, in 27-28 July. Stay tuned for the updates, also on my Instagram page!

04.04.2024 15:36 ·

News: I am really happy to announce that I will race the entire season of the 2024 Mitjet Italia Club!

I will race with DC Racing, as in 2023, but this time I will compete in every race of the calendar. DC Racing is a professional and a very competitive team, and I am really happy to join them again for the 2024 season. 

Although we found the budget for the three races, we still have to find some funds for the testing sessions. For that reason, we are still looking for sponsors to support us for this season. All the budget is going to be invested in my 2024 motorsport events. If you are interested in sponsoring me and giving me the opportunity to be more competitive, contact us!  

The calendar is: Varano (IT), 10-12/05

                          Magione (IT), 26-28/07

                          Vallelunga (IT), 13-15/09

Thanks to the all the sponsors, to Federico Scionti and to his company Management Motors, for the support!

I cannot wait to get on track!

Stay tuned for all the updates!

Dorian Racolta ha condiviso una foto
27.02.2024 19:34 ·
27.02.2024 19:34 ·

Let's talk about the budget for the Mitjet Italia Racing Series: only 35000€ for the entire season (5 rounds in Italy and Europe), sharing the car with a teammate; with this solution, I race 1 free practice session, 1 qualifying session and 2 races for round, lowering the spending. 

If you want to support me for this championship, if you want to know more about the regulations or if you have some questions, contact us!

More infos on my profile, on the Mitjet Italia social media page and on the championship website:

Reach / Links

I più grandi successi

Monza 2022 è stato il mio primo weekend in carriera nel motorsport con un ottimo 11-esimo posto su 29 partecipanti. 

Monza 2023, la mia terza gara in carriera, con 27 piloti, gareggiando con il team DC Racing, è stata teatro di due grandi risultati: 

Race 1: P6, P3 nella categoria junior; 

Race 2: P7, P2 nella categoria junior.

Dati fondamentali per gli sponsor

Dalla partecipazione come sponsor si ottiene un ritorno d'immagine notevole; tutte le gare del campionato sono trasmesse sui principali canali social. Inoltre, gli sponsor saranno presenti anche nelle mie pagine social, in quelle del team e del campionato.

Le gare verranno trasmesse anche in differita sulla rete televisiva italiana. 

Per concludere, il campionato è a livello italiano; ciò permette di avere una copertura mediatica che raggiunge tutto il paese.


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