Sebastien de Warren - ملف الرعاية | Sponsoo
لا تتم إدارة ملف التعريف هذا حاليًا بواسطة مستخدم Sponsoo ، أي أنSebastien de Warren غير مسجّل في Sponsoo وليس له أي علاقات تعاقدية معنا. أنت ترى هذا الملف الشخصي فقط لأننا بحثنا عن معلومات الرعاية المتاحة للجمهور حولSebastien de Warren وجعلناها متاحة لمستخدمينا.
هل أنت مرتبط بـSebastien de Warren؟ ثم أنشئ حسابًا في Sponsoo وبعد تحقق قصير سنمنحك حق الوصول إلى الملف الشخصي.


My name is Sebastien and I am a college student. I am a well seasoned hiker looking to make it in the Mountaineering world as I want to help promote environmental change and want to motivate people to go more outdoors. I am a philosopher/athlete.


Why should you sponsor me:

Being an athlete is not new to me. I was a rower at UCSB till I discovered that my passion was mountaineering. Which is why I want to tap into the mountaineering world, yet equipment costs money. Therefore anything goes a long way to sponsor my journey as a collegiate mountaineering athlete. Furthermore I am a thinker and I want to promote a message through my athleticism. I want to help promote environmentalism, as well as be a motivational speaker. I want to do this from the perspective of mountaineering. Mountaineering is not just a sport, it is a way of life and a way of thinking and therefore I want to show others the benefits of the outdoors. Which is why I want to help promote a sport along with change making.So therefore I am asking for money to help pay for classes so I can pursue my passion and help promote my message safely before taking-on bigger mountains. Ideally I would use the money for mountaineering classes and ice climbing lessons.


الوصول / الروابط

المعلومات الهامة للرعاة

Benefits for Sponsors:

I won't lie and say that I am a social media sensation as I just started my Instagram page, but with your help I could be. Furthermore, the promotion of a young idealist college athlete who embraces the rugged outdoors would be beneficial for a company's image. I would be more than willing to be a speaker at events and help with publicity by talking about my philosophies and my mountaineering experience. I could also promote you on my instagram.

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