Aaron Boster - Sponsoringprofil | Sponsoo

Aaron Boster

 Mason Baseball


- Northern Kentucky Student Athlete - LHP baseball player


About me:

Hi, I'm Aaron Boster, a baseball player at Northern Kentucky University. I'm excited to introduce myself as a potential partner for your brand.


My involvement:

As a student-athlete, I've built a strong online presence with my followers across social media platforms. I'm passionate about baseball, leadership, and community involvement. I'm dedicated to making a positive impact on and off the field.


What I bring to the table:

Social Media Promotion: I'll share your brand's message with my engaged audience, increasing your reach and credibility.

Event Appearances: I'm available for sponsored events, meet-and-greets, and autograph signings in the Northern Kentucky area.

Content Creation: I'll collaborate with your team to develop sponsored content, such as videos, posts, and stories showcasing my baseball journey and how your brand supports me.

Product Endorsements: I'll showcase your products or services, highlighting how they help me perform at my best on the field.


Why Partner with Me:

Authenticity: As a college athlete, I bring a unique perspective and genuine enthusiasm to our partnership.

Influence: My audience trusts my opinions and values my recommendations.

Reach: I can help expand your brand's presence among the coveted 18-34 age demographic in the Northern Kentucky region.

Community Engagement: I'm committed to giving back to the local community, and partnering with me can help your brand make a positive impact.


Let's Work Together:

I'm excited to explore opportunities with your brand. Let's discuss how we can collaborate to achieve mutual success! Whether it's promoting your brand, attending events, or creating engaging content, I'm ready to partner with you.


Unser idealer Sponsor

I would love to take in a sponsor whoever wants to give a chance and sponsor me.

The sponsor who chooses me will have great deal of success and will benefit off my name.

I will put all my effort in to the sponsors who take me in.


I am using this to get NIL deals with sponsors.

I am a college athlete looking to receive deals and help out as well.

Looking to also help organizations with having my name in their organization.


Reichweiten / Links

Größte Erfolge

I have success in the classroom.

Success on the baseball field.

Hardest worker in the room.

Love to interact with others and understand others.

My motto is always be the first and be the last to leave the room.

Kennzahlen für Sponsoren

I post on Instagram and I like and retweet on twitter.

Instagram- 1,640 Followers ( aaron.boster)

Twitter- 200 followers ( Aaronboster1)

I post on story and like lots of content, this will allow to help with organization who will sponsor me.

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