Press Releases
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Sponsoo takes over Finnish sponsorship marketplace Sponssa
Exit for Finnish sports tech startup Sponssa: Less than three years after being founded, the Helsinki-based sponsorship marketplace got acquired by their German counterpart Sponsoo, who continue to accelerate their international expansion.Show full text
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Joschka Grabb becomes CSO at Sponsoo
New sales leadership for more growth at sports sponsorship start-upShow full text
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Sponsoo launches Matchday Sponsorship tool with top offers
The sports sponsoring marketplace is introducing its newest online tool for short-term offers and is immediately starting with top-class "Matchday Offers".Show full text
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Sponsoo expands into more countries
With Spain, France and the Arabic market, the digital marketplace for sports sponsorship continues to drive forward internationalizationShow full text
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Michael Drotleff becomes new CCO at Sponsoo
In the newly created position, Drotleff is responsible for the growth and commercial development of the sports startupShow full text
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Sports „not funny enough”: Sponsorship Company starts selling Memes instead
In a surprising move, digital sponsorship marketplace Sponsoo is coming up with an excuse to officially only deal with memes in the home office. As of April 1st, 2021, the company is switching its strategy to selling online memes.Show full text
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Fighting spirit vs. stroke of fate
Sponsoo and Carina Hilfenhaus start a project for more courage to face lifeShow full text
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Sponsoo receives top-up investment
Now the founders want to use fresh capital to push ahead with global expansionShow full text
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Digital sponsorship marketplace Sponsoo closes Series A funding round
The Hamburg sports startup Sponsoo has successfully completed its Series A funding round. The “Corona Recovery Fund” from Hamburg-based IFB Innovationsstarter GmbH and many other well-known faces are among the investors.Show full text
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Corona virus: Sponsoring aid campaign launched for athletes and clubs
Time for solidarity! The sponsorship marketplace Sponsoo has launched a Corona aid campaign for affected athletes and clubs.Show full text
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Sarah Guttau
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+49 40 - 228 63 293
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Press Clippings about Sponsoo
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Startups proudly present: Tractive, Bonativo,, Implisense und Kullo
Die heute neu vorgestellten Startups sind: (...) Mit ist am 29.01.2015 die erste deutschlandweite Sport Sponsoring Plattform gestartet. Erstmals können alle 90.000 Sportvereine in Deutschland mit wenigen Mausklicks online auf Sponsorensuche gehen.Read as PDF
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Neue Agentur will Microsponsoring vermitteln
Das in Hamburg gegründete Sponsoo will Sportsponsoring auch für Breitensportler zugänglich machen. Auf Industrieseite stehen dabei zunächst Mittelständler im Fokus.Read full article
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Sportmarketing-Plattform Sponsoo ist gestartet
Am heutigen Donnerstag ist mit eine deutschlandweite Sportmarketing-Plattform gestartet. Langfristig sollen Unternehmen bei allen 90.000 Sportvereinen in Deutschland mit wenigen Mausklicks online Sportmarketing-Angebote einkaufen können.Read full article
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Co-Founder Success Stories: Sponsoo
Success Story: How a Cambridge MBA and a Bangladesh-based Rocket Internet entrepreneur found together to disrupt the sports marketing world.Read full article
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